Mega Doctor News
According to the newsletter sent by the office of the Hidalgo-Starr Counties Medical Society (HSCMS), Elsie Perez said, “The first six months of the New Year have been exciting and busy!” She continued, “HSCMS has accomplished some exciting things from membership meetings that have educated our doctors on Cyber Security to a very successful legislative year with doctors and medical students attending the legislative session in April.”
Perez is the director of the society and announced that in May of this year, the society had 7 voting delegates at the Texas Medical Association Convention in Houston and Dr. Carlos Cardenas was elected 2017 TMA President.
She also announced that during the months of July and August there will be no membership meetings. HSCMS will resume the membership meetings in September. “We will continue to have many activities that will promote medicine in the community,” she wrote. MDN