Mega Doctor News
BROWNSVILLE, Texas – Effective 10-31-2022, the City of Brownsville has decreased the threat level matrix to level one due to a decline in COVID-19 cases. During the last few months, virus transmission rates have been steadily lowering, the city encourages citizens to resume normal contact with others unless sick.
The number of positive COVID-19 cases has decreased to less than 50 cases. Currently, the vaccination rate for Cameron County is 94.64% for individuals 65 years and older and 83.8% for people six months and older.
“Let’s continue having low numbers by remembering to continue practicing safety measures such as remembering to wash their hands, use hand sanitizer, practice social distancing, and wear a mask. Citizens are also advised to get their vaccine or booster if they have not done so already, it is the safest and best line of defense against a virus such as COVID,” said Dr. Arturo Rodriguez, Public Health Director.
Free vaccination clinics are offered by the city. To find a location near you visit btxcares.com or vaccines.gov. Call the COVID-19 Hotline at 956-394-0012 or visit the Brownsville Cares website for more information regarding COVID-19 vaccines.
For more information or to schedule media interviews, please contact the Communications and Marketing Department at communications@brownsvilletx.gov or (956) 547-6505.