Mega Doctor News
By Selene Rodriguez
South Texas College student Jose Nuñez has earned the appreciation of the Nursing and Allied Health community through his outstanding job as a work study employee for the Student Activities and Wellness Department.
From dressing up in elaborate costumes that require commitment and dedication to putting up the perfect decorations for every themed event, Nuñez has found his calling in making people happy.
“Nursing and Allied Health students have a busy schedule. It’s really rewarding to me to help take some of their stress away for a fun activity, even if it’s just for a couple of minutes,” he said.
Nuñez, 22, recent graduate from the Medical Assistant Technology program, has worked at STC as a student activities assistant since fall 2021.
“With every event, my connection with the students and faculty grew, so I felt confident enough to start dressing up accordingly to take our events to the next level,” he said. “I really wanted our campus to stand out.”
The “Twilight” trivia event was the first time Nuñez used his creativity to dress up as the villain “Aro” from the famous saga, followed by his own personal take on the Marvel character “Scarlett Witch.”

“One of my most elaborate costumes was Lord Voldemort for a ‘Harry Potter’ event, I had to essentially create a very restrictive mask with a sort of makeup paste and wear a swim cap and an old gown,” Nuñez said. “It’s always worth it. I enjoy seeing the students’ reaction and making their day better.”
To uplift the students’ college experience, interactive activities are offered at least once a week on every STC campus for students to grab a snack, network with their classmates and faculty and participate in fun activities such as karaoke, decorating competitions and trivia contests.
“Whenever we hear music or notice they’re setting up tables with food, we run to participate. I think it’s amazing that they go out of their way to give us a nice and fun breather in between classes,” said Jafet Velez, Vocational Nursing student. “This is what is so special about STC, they recognize our hard work every week and we get to interact not only with each other but with students from other programs.”
Nuñez’s contribution to the organization of these events has helped him evolve his ability to connect with people, a helpful trait for medical assistants.
“I’ve always enjoyed getting to know people, but being a work study opened the door for me to be more of a public speaker,” he said. “Medical assistants are usually the first people patients see when they walk into a clinic. I try to be understanding because most of them come in feeling ill, so I always try to strike a good conversation to ease some of the boredom of the waiting room.”
Interacting with faculty and students at STC has also motivated Nuñez to start the Occupational Therapy Assistant program next fall, a career where he will keep using his creativity to help people.
“Getting to know students from every program gave me a clear vision of what I wanted my career path to be. I decided to apply to the Occupational Therapy Assistant program for fall 2023 because it’s a profession that constantly requires me to think outside the box,” he said. “I’m excited to use everything I have learned from the medical assistant program and my experience as a work study to become a thoughtful therapist.”
The Federal Work Study Program available to eligible STC students provides part-time employment for students and allows them to earn job experience in a work setting that will always prioritize their education. Recently, STC celebrated national Work Study Appreciation Week and work studies from all campuses were recognized and celebrated for their hard work and dedication.
For more information on the Work Study Program or more Student Activities offered at STC visit https://life.southtexascollege.edu/activities/.