Mega Doctor News
CORPUS CHRISTI – Driscoll Health Plan has two new services for its members: the Positive Parenting Program and One Call.
Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)
The Positive Parenting Program, or Triple P, is a parenting program that offers a platform of tools to help parents build a better line of communication with their children, from toddlers to teens.
Triple P uses more than 30 years of research to help parents manage misbehavior, build a stronger bond for families, raise happy and confident kids, get fresh ideas for raising kids, and find effective parenting strategies.
More information on Triple P can be found on the Driscoll Health Plan website at https://driscollhealthplan.com/triple-p/
One Call
Free, non-emergency medical transportation is offered for Driscoll Health Plan members through transportation partner One Call. In addition, One Call can also provide rides to local food pantries, health education classes and grocery stores.
When it comes to non-emergency medical transportation, Driscoll Health Plan also offers a Family and Friends reimbursement option. This means that a friend or family member can drive you to your scheduled medical visit, and they will be paid by the mile.