Mega Doctor News
PHARR, Texas – Pharr-San-Juan-Alamo Independent School District (PSJA ISD) high school Student Council Leaders, in collaboration with the district, hosted the 2024 PSJA Track of Hope Cancer Awareness & Relief Walk on Saturday, February 24, 2024 at the PSJA Stadium.
PSJA students, staff, and community members gathered at the stadium in support of the Track of Hope Cancer Awareness & Relief Walk. Supporters witnessed the lighting of the letters H-O-P-E as a tribute to all those affected by this disease. Following the lighting ceremony, participants walked around the track in solidarity with those affected by cancer.

“The amount of support we received from individuals, schools, councils, organizations, past Track of Hope chairpersons, and community members was immense,” said PSJA Memorial Early College High School Campus Chair Naomi Abrego. “This level of support means the world to us because it shows that with community, anything is possible. This support ensures that the future of Track of Hope is in good hands.”
PSJA student leaders raised over $11,000 through the sale of t-shirts and donations, with all proceeds going towards supporting individuals battling cancer. United on a mission to make a difference, student leaders from numerous PSJA ISD high schools collaborated to make the event possible, including PSJA ECHS, PSJA North ECHS, PSJA Memorial ECHS, PSJA Southwest ECHS, PSJA T. Jefferson T-STEM ECHS, and PSJA Collegiate School of Health Professions.
“The Track of Hope truly means the most, as we were all able to come together and create a memorable event for our community,” said PSJA Memorial Early College High School Campus Chair Taylor Camacho.
With many members of the PSJA community affected by cancer, PSJA ISD high school students organized the Track of Hope Cancer Awareness & Relief Walk event to help raise awareness and funds to give back.